The program will then ask you if you want to save your credentials so that you don't have to enter them every time you want to start the program. The program will ask for your osu! username and password because won't let you download beatmaps without being logged in. Then start the dowloader with osu-beatmap-downloader download Make sure you are in the correct directory since the downloader will save all the files in the current working directory. To use the downloader navigate to your osu! Songs directory (default is C:\\AppData\Local\osu!\Songs\): cd ~\AppData\Local\osu!\Songs\ If you want to use this program from the command line, you may have to add the correct directories to PATH. You can also install it into your python user directory with: pip install -user osu-beatmap-downloader This will install the program in the global python package folder inside your python installation directory. You can install this program via pip: pip install osu-beatmap-downloader
Downloads given number of beatmapsets with the most favorites from into the default osu! directory.